an announcement: tales for dreamers

lighted signage on a wall saying 'We are all made of stories'

More than a decade ago, inspired by the works of Neil Gaiman and Erin Morgenstern, especially her flax-golden tales, I started writing short fantasy tales inspired by images of the ordinary and extraordinary.

Back in 2011, the idea for this was laid. I started writing the tales in 2012 or 2013, posting twice every week. This was on another website I had at the time. But after a while, I scaled back to a weekly routine, and then six months later I discontinued writing these tales, telling myself they weren't good enough despite the fact that I had been slowly building an audience that seemed to love these stories and looked forward to each new tale.

In 2014, I resumed writing them when I had moved to Canada, just as I was about to start a rigorous MBA program. Naturally, writing these tales fell by the wayside after a few months.

Then more recently, in 2022, I decided to take all the old tales and offer them on a paid subscription basis. This experiment lasted until the end of 2023, and now all the tales are available on the website for everyone to read.

I've been thinking of these tales again. I've been writing more of them quietly, for my private enjoyment. I'm almost afraid to resume putting them out there, given my three previous failed attempts at doing so sustainably.

Little did I know back then that this is a rite of passage for all creatives. Creating at first with gusto, only to feel crippling self-doubt sooner or later, sometimes enough to abandon all efforts and jump ship.

But in all these years of writing, I've come to realize one thing.

The fear never goes away. The doubt never goes away. But instead of letting them stop me, I've been learning to ride this journey with fear and doubt as my faithful companions. Because the only way out is through.

I didn't know this back then, but after all these years of writing, I think I can safely point to the writing of these tales as one that continues to give me endless joy. Readers have also loved these tales, which is why I'm once more taking the bold decision to announce their resurgence.

So every Friday morning at 9 A.M. ET, a new tale for dreamers (#talesfordreamers) will be published on the site.

New tales will go up beginning this Friday! August 30.

Although this date has a private significance for KrA and me, I chose this day simply because I just wanted to start posting these tales instead of spending more time thinking about it and wondering about it and making it all too important and pompous-sounding rather than simply writing and sharing these tales, which is just all that I want to do.

This time, I wish to approach the writing and publishing of these tales with more joy and compassion than with the fear and angst and ego and ambition that fuelled me in the past, only to crash and burn too soon.

I hope you'll feel the magic therein too!