earth, water, wind and sky

In my nearly four years of living in Singapore, not one day has passed when I have not lamented in my head (or even aloud) about the non-existent shifts of season on the island.

But if you live here long enough (and I do think four years is a very long time), you start to become grateful for the 'monsoon' season of November-January when it rains heavily almost everyday and the wind blows incessantly, worrying the tree-tops and your hair, and the skies change colours from blue to orange to grey but none of the searing blue-white garb they wear through the rest of the year.

And which better place than the beach to feel the breeze tousling your hair, the cold water tickling your feet, the sand slipping through your fingers, and the vast expanse of the ocean and the skies to remind us of the beauty of the cosmos?

Thank you for reading!