Happy New Year!

Were it not for man’s invention of dates and time, we may not have had new years or birthdays or new centuries.

Or, on the contrary, every day would have been a new year, a new day, a new century, a new cause for celebration.

However you choose to look at it, the energy and excitement surrounding the birth of a new year is undeniable.

So this is my wish for us in 2022.

May we find in ourselves the ability to look at the world with a renewed sense of wonder as if we were stepping into it for the very first time.

Happy New Year!

I leave you with the #dailypoetry I posted on Instagram today.

I wish not to live as if it were my last day on earth.
I wish to live as if it were my very first,
opening my eyes for the first time,
taking my first breath, my first big gulp of air,
hungry for my first slurp of milk,
content only when I am sated,
never once doubting that my demands will be met,
looking at everything and everyone
with wonder and curiosity,
eager to see and touch and hear and smell and feel,
exploring this new life with no consideration for how easy or difficult it might be,
ignorant of fear and knowledge and judgement,
my spirit still unsullied by the ways of this world.

Image Attribution: Photo by Dawid Zawiła on Unsplash