January Journal: Monthly Missives from the Dream Pedlar

Hello, lovely Dreamers!

How has January been for you, lovely ones?

I honestly thought we had another week to go before newsletter Sunday, until the calendar showed me that by this time next week we'd have already segued into February! Time's been a-fleeting.

So here I am, on this lovely Friday morning, penning this note to you with much delight. It's raining outside. It's been foggy for the last few days.

We've only had one considerable snowfall so far this season; it was earlier this week and allowed D and me to spend an hour after school that evening, flinging snowballs at each other. By the next morning, much of the snow had begun to turn into slush.

It feels as though everything has become unpredictable these days. Or perhaps they always were, and we're only now noticing these changes with alarmingly increasing frequency.

Which is why this routine of spending a day towards the end of the month writing to you has become even more precious to me than ever before. It's one of the steady, joyful things I look forward to with a periodicity that is rarely to be found in anything else these days in a constantly turbulent world. Thank you for granting me this gift!

Photo by Yannick Pulver on Unsplash

I've been deep in my writing cave for most of this month, ever since D went back to school after the winter break.

I've been gaining momentum on a manuscript that saw many false starts over the last couple of years. Since October, I've been making steady progress on it.

Earlier this month, I thought I'd be writing 'The End' pretty soon. Until the plot twisted all of its own last week and now it appears I'm only one-third of the way through!