free sci-fi books for one day only!
Load your Kindle with amazing free sci fi books for one day only!

If you read on a Kindle, you're in luck.
For today (2 January) only, a number of science fiction authors are offering their amazing books for free on Kindle no matter where you are in the world!
This promotion is brought to you by the International Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors, which does a lot of great work in bringing together authors and readers in these two genres. If you're not already on their mailing list, now's a great time as any to jump in.
But for today, if you're a sci-fi fan, grab these books for free! I've already got a bunch of them downloaded to my Kindle and will get started on them tonight.
I'm eyeing Outliers by Kate L. Mary to begin with.
Take a look at the list and let me know which one you're going to begin with.
Here's the link again - Load your Kindle with SF on Jan 2!
Happy reading!