Tales for Dreamers

an image + a tale = plenty of whimsy and wonder

trail in a forest lit with yellow light
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

More than a decade ago, inspired by the writings of Neil Gaiman and Erin Morgenstern, especially her flax-golden tales, I began to write and share short fantasy fiction tales, each paired with an image.

These tales have proved to be an endless source of delight for many readers. There were more than a hundred tales at last count, several not yet published, and I keep writing and adding more to the list.

Subscribers to the Monthly Missives newsletter have access to all tales published so far. They also receive a new tale every month.

All tales are archived here.

You can read some of the popular tales right away without a subscription.

I promise you will find only delightful dreams and wondrous whimsies. Impossible illusions and fleeting fantasies. And the occasional nightmare too. All in good fun!

~ Anitha Krishnan

Burlington, Ontario

February 2024