Tales for Dreamers
an image + a tale = plenty of whimsy and wonder

Magic happens in these parts every Friday morning at 9 A.M. Eastern Time.
A new fantasy short story, paired with an image, goes up on the website for your reading pleasure.
The images are of ordinary-looking places, usually in and around Burlington where I live, but also of other places I may happen to visit or pass by. It so happens that magic lurks safely in the places where we don't think to look for it.
The stories themselves are short, 10 lines or so.
Enough to drum up a delightful dream. Or weave a wondrous whimsy.
Imagine an impossible illusion. Or a fleeting fantasy.
The occasional nightmare too.
Mostly fiction. Sometimes real. But you’ll never be able to tell the difference.
All in good fun!
P.S. All tales are archived here.