free-writing: flowers and muffins

This is one of those days when I get to say, "Wow! Where did the day go?"
KrA was still unwell. I ditched my morning walk so that D and I could ride our bikes a long, long way away to the nearest Fortinos. And boy! I can't recall the last time I was the sole grown-up in our family to go grocery shopping! D knows better than I do how to find stuff in the aisles.
The child wanted to buy flowers to cheer up dad and chose a small pot of a red kalanchoe succulent. I threw in a box of banana chocolate chip muffins for good measure.
The rest of the day passed in playing and cooking and eating. All ingredients for a good life. I didn't get to my computer until now, about ten minutes to seven, already having dozed off for more than a half-hour with the little one at bedtime.
No writing got done today. Tomorrow is another day, another opportunity to add words to the manuscript.
The world around us is set to open up even more next week. Ontario moves into its next phase of opening, and as the world expands, I keep thinking of this pandemic and what a hell of a ride it has been. Still is, in many parts, including our own. We're not out of the woods yet. No place is. None of us are emerging unscathed from this experience, but if there is one thing I wish to take away from this experience, it is the art of self-love.
I still remember the time I read Dani Watson's book 'Self Love and Spiritual Alchemy: Transform your mindset, strengthen your self-worth, and manifest the life you desire'. Something clicked when I read this book, and it sent me on an entirely new path of discovery of self-love, self worth, inner worth.
I have some of her words written on a paper and taped to the wall in front of me.
True Self Love is not so much about what you do, but how you think and feel about yourself and the world around you. ~ Dani Watson
True Self Love is about recognising where you are holding onto thoughts and beliefs that do not serve you and doing the inner work to change them. ~ Dani Watson
I hope I always remember this even as the world outside continues to morph and shape-shift around me.
And before I forget, a dear friend of mine, M, said to me today that has been reading Dying Wishes and has been enjoying it thoroughly and that she's been proudly telling everyone who'll listen that the author is her friend. Thank you, M. You really made my day!
That's it for today. I'm ready to fall asleep again, thanks to the several hours spent in the sun today.
À demain!
Image Attribution: Photo by Jordan Stewart on Unsplash