(day 19): gifts from the Universe
Counting my blessings and feeling grateful

I had to attend to some necessary publishing-related matters today, so writing took a backseat. Still, it was time very well spent. And I was so engrossed in what I was doing that I forgot to cook veggies for dinner this afternoon, so we ended up resorting to Maggi noodles!
I also managed a solid 10 hours of sleep last night, having given up that atrociously bad habit of watching TV at bedtime. Jeez! Bedtime TV was really an awful thing for me to indulge in. Never again! Books truly offer me so much more comfort and nourishment than TV ever does.
Anyhoo, when I came back home after picking up D from school, a package from Amazon was waiting for me. Usually, Amazon packages are addressed to KrA as it's his account we use to make purchases for home. This one was addressed to me, so I wondered what it was. I could feel it was a book. As soon as I entered home, I tore open the package and look what was in it!

The instant I saw it, I knew who had sent it to me. It had to be Helen, bringer of all good things into my life, and to whom I was raving about Thirst No. 4 just a couple of days ago!
And sure enough, when I pinged her, Helen said she thought I ought to have my very own copy of the last book in the series!
Thank you, lovely Helen! You and your friendship are truly blessings from the Universe to me. ❤️
I was so happy and moved by Helen's gesture that I decided to start making entries in my (offline) diary about blessings received from the Universe.
I began with yesterday when I received news of Dying Wishes having been shortlisted for the 2023 Rakuten Kobo Emerging Writers Award in the Speculative Fiction category. Helen's gift to me went into the list under today's date, alongside another email I had received this morning for a promo opportunity.
I'm so happy today. I feel so happy looking back at these past several days. My daily posts on this blog as a result of taking part in the ongoing writing challenge have led to many eye-opening epiphanies and realizations.
Life is so simple when I'm not trying to wrestle with it or wrangle it into my limited vision.
When I demand nothing from it, life offers me so much more than I could have ever imagined in my wildest dreams!
In that sense, life is truly like me. I am truly like life itself!