tales for dreamers: a simple rule for pedestrians
Pedestrians, you only need to 'obey your signals'. Why is that so hard to follow?

Hey you, pedestrian! there is only one rule for you to follow: Obey your signals.
How hard is it to remember that?
Just those three words.
Obey. Your. Signals.
Oh, we know you’ll come up with all sorts of excuses to justify your disobedience.
The sun was in your eyes.
There were no vehicles on the road.
No one else seemed intent on following the rules.
The signal had gone bonkers and refused to function properly.
Wait, what? That’s a new one.
Ah, so it seems the signal has had enough of disobedient pedestrians and refuses to light up for them anymore.
Well, we have a problem now, don’t we? How do we resolve this?
Change the signal?
Change the pedestrians!
Have more signals? Have fewer ones?
Uggh! This is insane.
How hard is it to follow just three words? Obey. Your. Signals.
Maybe that’s the problem.
Those three words are not enough. They never were.
How about ‘Pedestrians, obey your signals, or else face the consequences.’
There. That sounds better. Something that’d be taken more seriously.
Wait, what consequences?
Come now, what’s the fun if we reveal that to you?
Last week's image info: The signboard with suggestions on 'how to stop the spread of invasive species' was at the entrance to one of the trails at Rattlesnake Point, one of KrA's and my favourite places to go on a hike!