tales for dreamers: a temple for the gods
They are building a temple for the Gods. But something hinders their progress. Perhaps you could help?

Up where the sky kisses the earth, they are building a temple for the Gods.
A simple abode, they claim, but each builder has painstakingly worked to construct this home for the Gods. No expense has been spared. No detail has been overlooked.
It is a long trek upwards from where you and I live.
But, they say, you and I can come here, lie at the feet of the Gods, and find respite from the stresses of day-to-day living.
When you look out from here, from the lap of a God, all your worries and your pains will cease to exist, all your problems will appear so small you’d wonder why they had even rankled you in the first place.
Relieved, you will skip back down the way you came, capering with a newfound levity under your feet.
Construction at the site was mostly completed a century ago. But the builders are yet to declare the temple open and ready for public visit.
Rumour has it that the Gods are not entirely convinced they should take up their abode here.
Perhaps, an entreaty from you may help them make up their minds.