tales for dreamers: jewels in the water
Everyone knows there are jewels underwater. Now they're rising to the surface for all to see. Ever wondered why?

The jewels in the water are rising to the surface.
They were hidden there aeons ago by the sun and the moon and the stars.
No one remembers why.
And if you ask the sun and the moon and the stars, they too may not always be willing to tell you why.
But when they do feel like talking, they sometimes let slip that they didn’t want these jewels to become objects of possession and desire.
It doesn’t matter. Let bygones be bygones.
Now, the jewels tucked away in seabeds and ocean floors, long forgotten, are rising to the surface.
From a distance, they sparkle golden in the sunlight.
As you get nearer, you’ll see they’re of all colours and hues. Even colours that are yet to be named.
Some say the jewels are rising to let people know there is plenty to go around. There’s no need to hoard, no need to take more than you need. There’s enough and more for everyone.
But others say it’s to lure the greedy ones in, the ones who try to take more than they need.
So when they reach out to grab more jewels than they ought to, the precious stones drag them down to the depths instead, where they’ll remain pinned to the ocean floor under the weight of their own greedy desires until the end of time.
Last week's image info: The yacht in the tale 'liquid wisdom' was moored in Toronto Islands, probably by Hanlan's Point Mooring Wall or thereabouts, if I remember correctly. We spent KrA's birthday this year riding bikes on the island. The unusual name had to inspire a tale, didn't it?