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tales for dreamers: the clandestine meeting of gods to discuss the growing wish-lists of human beings

The Gods are meeting to discuss every wish made by every human being on earth. Do your wishes feature on any of their lists?

tales for dreamers: the clandestine meeting of gods to discuss the growing wish-lists of human beings
tales for dreamers: the clandestine meeting of gods to discuss the growing wish-lists of human beings

The Gods come from afar, and one by one they plant themselves on the wall.

The ones that arrived first have chosen the best spots they could find, but more and more Gods are on their way and there is growing concern there may not be adequate room for all.

Such a congregation of Gods is an extremely rare phenomenon, so much so that the Gods have no choice but to execute it in absolute secrecy.
(Can you imagine the riot that would erupt on earth were mankind to get wind of this clandestine rendezvous?)

The Gods all bring with them reams of paper filled with the unfulfilled wishes and prayers of their people; the Gods have all fallen behind schedule on fulfilling people’s wishes and are hoping to gain some insights and new suggestions from their counterparts from all over the world on how to work their way through the lists swiftly and efficiently, all while managing well their stress and time in the process.

Some prayers they have been able to categorize and label accurately, like the prayers of 10-year-olds looking for lost pets, or the prayers of parents seeking wisdom for their wayward sons.

Other prayers do not fall into any precise category, such as prayers for everlasting happiness or wishes for true love, for everyone has his or her own unique ideas about happiness and love.

Some Gods have longer lists than the others, and their paper bundles are heavier, and that explains their choice of mount.
Some choose to ride a horse, others prefer unicorns for speedier transportation.
Some others turn to wild cats especially if the wish-lists they carry are confidential and must not fall into the devil’s hands at all costs, while some mount eagles or dragons to avoid the dangers that lurk on land.

The most powerful and swiftest of all Gods simply choose to fly in the night sky. They are a noisy, raucous bunch. High on nectar, they flirt with the moon and illuminate the sky with fireworks that dazzle more brightly than the stars.

If you look up at the right moment, you will bear witness to the goings-on in the sky but you will most likely mistake the boisterous Gods for shooting stars.

And you will make yet another wish, upon a shooting star.

But the flying Gods are too busy having fun to add your new wishes to their lists.