tales for dreamers: upholding the promise of excellent customer service

Lost and not found? Here's a service for customers lost in thrall to the delights offered in this store.

tales for dreamers: upholding the promise of excellent customer service
tales for dreamers: upholding the promise of excellent customer service

I don’t exactly know what this place sells but customers are known to have lost themselves while shopping on these premises.

You won’t believe it looking from the outside, but rumour has it that the place is simply too vast and that whatever is inside is so enchanting and fulfils your every need and desire so much that those who walk in can easily forget to come back out.

Those who do come out of their own volition are often at a loss for words when you ask them to describe their experience. They resort to adjectives such as “stupendous” or “magnificent” or “incredible” but are unable to explain why or provide more concrete details.

But they go about their daily lives with more joy and delight than ever before, so you reckon whatever had happened to them here must have done them a whole lot of good after all.

As for those who do not come out on their own, there is no need for concern. The place is known for its excellent customer service, and that is not merely a rumour.

Right in the back is a yawning entrance, where a robot with a peculiarly human face stands on guard.

If someone you love is lost inside, you can reach out to the droid and he’ll quickly trace and pick up and return the lost customer to you. It won’t take him even five minutes.

And if there is someone in your life you wish to be rid of, you can drop them off right at this door. They won’t need much convincing anyway to check this place out. And the robot will whisk them away into the depths of this venue, where they can stay lost for as long as you want. They will be well looked after. No questions asked.