thank you, 2015!

Less than four hours to go before 2015 disappears like it never existed and 2016 descends upon us like a new dawn. I didn’t mean to do an end-of-the-year post but there were two things that came to mind this evening and that I wanted to pen down for future reference.

I just remembered a quote I had put up on a post-it note on the wall of my little apartment in Toronto. I remember neither the exact words nor who wrote it, but it went something like – What’s important is not so much what we achieve but rather what we become in the process of achieving it. And I had plenty of occasions to remember and abide by (and sometimes even ignore) these words in the midst of #The100DayProject that took me 153 days to complete.

Which brings me to the other thing that I realized this year and want to remember and abide by in the coming days. Writing, or any form of creation, best comes from a place of humility, gratitude and surrender.

There are days when the writing is good, days when it is just goddamn awful. All I can do is keep at it, humbly, gratefully, from a place of surrender, with infinite and unflinching faith in the Universe. Because it is not so much the world that requires my writing. I am the one who needs it for my own deliverance.