(day 6): thoughts brewing
Busy day, but few words written as my illness continues

Today's been a busy day and I have so much to share with you, but I'm still under the weather and have only just gotten back home long enough to switch on the laptop. It's almost four in the evening, and in about half an hour, I'll leave to pick up D from school.
So these are my only words for the day. I was earlier tempted to promise that I'd come back later in the evening and tell you about all that has transpired since morning, all the epiphanies on life and art I've gained, but even I can tell that what my body needs right now is some serious rest.
I finally slept fairly well last night, waking up only once at half past one with my body feeling sore but then I popped an Advil and that helped me sleep until past seven this morning. That was good, because it gave me enough energy to keep the appointments I had this morning and afternoon.
But now, I'm exhausted. I'm saving the last bit of my energy to pick up little D from school, and after that I will jump right under the sheets and read and sleep.
So you're going to have to wait until tomorrow to hear all about my trip to Toronto and a talk I attended on Franz Schubert and what I learned about saying a big, resounding YES to everything that life throws my way.
Until tomorrow then!