Tales for Dreamers is back! Read a new and original short fantasy story every Friday morning, right here at The Dream Pedlar!

free-writing: an ordinary day

free-writing: an ordinary day

Lots of things happened today.

I woke up from a rather disturbed sleep and was cranky. Went out for a walk, worrying today would be yet another epic fail. But on the way, an idea for a Tales for Dreamers story popped into my head and I came back home to write it down and post it. Until then, I had forgotten it was Friday.

Then I decided to declutter our home. Which was also in line with D's plans to have a clean home for his birthday. It's very unlikely we'll have the whole place cleaned up by then, but we've made good headway in the bedrooms and study room. We even cleared out some old paperwork. D and I got to hack them with scissors; it was such a fun activity we lost track of time and didn't go down for lunch until well past one in the afternoon.

D had TV time this afternoon, I spent some time cross-stitching, then we went out for a bike ride for the most part of which my heart was constantly in my mouth, seeing the kind of antics D has taken to doing on his bike. I'm still learning how to respond in these situations with calm acceptance and not a desperate desire to keep him free from all pain.

Back home. KrA made burgers for dinner. Bath-time. Reading time. Bed time.

End of day.

I almost fell asleep along with D but wanted to come over and post this, especially considering I hadn't put up a free-writing post this morning. Writing today's Tale for Dreamers was fun. It made me happy. It reminded me once more how much I love writing stories. Dreamy, whimsical stuff. The stuff of fantasies and feelings. Of emotions and exclamations.

One of the writing-related newsletters I subscribe to had a note today on how Apple's announcement last week of Mail Privacy Protection stands to threaten the newsletter strategy that authors were increasingly being, and still are, persuaded to adopt so that they can reach their readers directly without relying on platforms such as social media where the rules can change without warning and leave the authors without direct contact with their fanbase.

I don't have a newsletter yet. I was thinking of starting one after the recent debacle with the website, but I wasn't seriously thinking about it for the near term. I'd like to have more books under my belt before I jump on to these marketing strategies.

If there is one thing I've noticed about the publishing industry this past year or two, it's that it changes faster than I can make up my mind about what tactic to pursue, faster than I can even learn about the range and variety of opportunities that exist.

Changes are happening rapidly. Those who are able to adapt swiftly will surely gain.

Speed is not my forte, at least not right now.

So I will point myself to Kris's insight for now. She says,

"... indie writers often forget that they’re strong and courageous and filled with a belief that if you publish it, the readers will show up.
... write the books you love. Then put them up for sale, and write another book. And another.
And get back to being courageous. Get back to loving what you do.
You know how to be that writer.
Time to recapture that feeling, and move into the future, instead of being stuck in someone else’s past." ~ Kristine Kathryn Rusch

À demain!

Tomorrow for the last time in our lives will I be able to call D my four-year-old.