In Search of Leo - my debut novella!

It's finally happening! My debut novella, In Search of Leo, is set to be published on 18 January 2018.
If you have enjoyed reading stories on this site in the past, you'll love In Search of Leo. At just under 24,000 words, it is full of dreams and whimsies and magic and emotions, everything that you have come to expect from the Dream Pedlar.
It is about a girl named Heidi, who thinks her dog Leo has gone missing in the woods behind her house and sets out in search of him. Her quest takes her to a bunch of fantastical characters who seem intent on keeping Leo's whereabouts a mystery. Will she find Leo at the end of her journey?
The first draft of the novella was penned more than a year ago. I have since rewritten it four times, and it was draft number 5 that landed on the editing screen of Sarah Chorn of Bookworm Blues, who has been reviewing speculative fiction for a long, long time now. She had some very lovely things to say about my writing style as well as the plot of the story. That, coupled with the wonderfully positive feedback I have received from my beta readers, is encouragement enough for me to put this tale out in the world for you to read and savour.
I am self-publishing the story. As of now, the plan is only for an ebook version to be made available. I am also looking into releasing an audiobook version; I am not entirely sure this will happen on the same date.
This is quite an emotional milestone for me. I have spent years wanting to have a little book out there in the world. Funnily enough, I wrote and completed a long-ish work only after D arrived. Time had become so scarce whatever little was available became extremely precious and had to be put to good use!