Tales for Dreamers is back! Read a new and original short fantasy story every Friday morning, right here at The Dream Pedlar!

Oh dear D ... my bawling baby ... you cried Mumma Mumma even as your feet willed you to walk alongside Miss LaRoche into school ...

Here I am sitting in Starbucks, working on a freelance editing assignment ... it's amazing how much I can get done in a brief span of an hour when I put my mind to it ...

But I miss you so much ... I hope you settled down in school and enjoyed your lessons today ... I'm coming to pick you soon ... Well, Dada will also be there at pick-up today. In a Mini-Cooper! As our car gets worked upon in the garage. I'll come and pick you up and shower you with hugs and kisses and hope Miss LaRoche or Mrs. Kim will tell me you were fine at school today ... And even if they tell me you mostly cried, I'll pick you up with all my love and hug you and never let you go ... And I'll wait for you to tell me how your day transpired ...

(And I'll wonder why I prefer to use ellipsis instead of periods! For all the unspoken words? For all the thoughts and feelings that can never be put in words?)

And maybe, just maybe tomorrow might be different ... And even if it isn't, it is OK ... as you are so fond of saying, it is OK!

oh, D, you are in school and I miss you so much!