tales for dreamers: an unexpected enchantment
Because when snow falls after a long wait, it's spellbinding!

It was the first snowfall of the year.
It wasn’t much.
It didn’t snow a lot. Certainly not like it used to in the years gone past. As though this was yet another good thing that has disappeared with the past.
Like safety, goodwill, faith. Trust. Good weather. Camaraderie. Peace.
All those things you’re now learning to live without.
Still, it snowed.
It snowed despite all those forecasts of a warm, grey, monsoon-y winter with barely any snow to expect.
That counts for something. That alone merits a walk on the path where the snow doesn’t stick, but it’s worth it for the sight of snow-dusted trees, white on green, or white on bare branches, a contrast of sorts.
The world is wrapped in a hushed silence. No squirrels chittering. No birds tweeting. Even the lone lamppost will not deign to light your way. Such is the state of the world these days.
You turn corner after corner in search of that elusive peace and beauty. There’s nothing but a thick blanket of silence so quiet that your inner voice is loud and clear. And you have no choice but to listen to what it has to say.
All that you seek on the outside, it whispers gently, is already within you.
Like safety, goodwill, faith. Trust. Maybe not good weather. Camaraderie. Peace.
Many of those things you thought you had to learn to live without.
Even beauty.
Now you look up and the world appears entirely different to your eyes.
There’s snow. It doesn’t matter how much. Or how little. You can still savour its existence.
Last week's image info: The structure with the poster declaring 'magic's back' is located in Toronto Islands. We saw it as we rode our bikes towards Hanlan's Point. So look for it in that direction when you go there.