Tales for Dreamers is back! Read a new and original short fantasy story every Friday morning, right here at The Dream Pedlar!

the dance within

the dance within
the dance within

At the sight of you
My heart leaps like a splash of raindrop on a roadside puddle

Dances like frail flowers tenderly bobbing their pretty heads
when the wind whispers sweet nothings in their ears

In your presence, I am a maiden twirling around to an invisible melody
My billowing skirt sings a song to every blade of grass that kisses my feet

Like the waves of the sea, cresting from afar for a momentary glimpse of you,
Rising and falling, again and again, I surrender myself at your shore

An incense stick, so full of aroma, pregnant with promise
I am eager to be lit by the flame of your love
Into delicate wisps of smoke I will thus be transformed
So I can lose fragments of myself all around you
And gently move into your being like a soft, alluring fragrance